Submit Your Project

TATÌ SPACE is constantly looking for innovative projects and authors from Albania and abroad. If you are an artist or photographer looking to publish your article or photo project in our online platform, please submit your project according to the format below.

  • Submit 10 photos, a bio and a description of your project or portfolio.

  • Photos must be submitted in jpg format; sRGB; 2500 px longest side; 72dpi resolution; not less than 1,5M.

  • Submit using the following form or in the e-mail address:

  • In the email subject write: Submit Project

* The author has the right / permission to use the photos and authorises Tatì Space to publish them.

* TATÌSPACE is not allowed to use any of your photos for any purpose other than presenting your work on the website and its social media.

* Due to the large number of submissions, Tati Space will inform you if you are selected to be featured.

* Tatì Space has the authority to decide on which artists will be selected and participate, in respect to the Terms and Conditions governing this website.