Photography Exhibition THE WAY WE LIVE (in the eye of the architect)
Autori: Rozafa Shpuza
Title: “The world as a puzzle”
Place: Tirana, Albania
Description: Photography for me is the emotion that is conveyed through details, shapes, light shadows, cuts, the mystery that the shot hides in itself. We live in a world full of chaos, so we have to put different parts in the daily life full of joys and sorrows to create our future. This photo also conveys this feeling. It is a wall divided into circles, like the ball that the children are playing with beyond it. Somewhere a hand appears and somewhere else a foot, which constitute in itself the philosophy of the entire journey of man on this planet, so that, sometimes, it seems as if it is that ball in the hand of that child who is playing with it quite frankly.
Links of the author:
© Rozafa Shpuza “The world as a puzzle”
Author: Samanta Krivec
Title: “Rubik's town”
Place: Pregrada (Croatia)
Description: I saw this reflection on the large building while driving the car. On a sunny day this was looking so good and interesting that i stopped the car and took a couple of photos.
© Samanta Krivec “Rubik's town”
Author: Zita Altrichter
Title: “Eternality”
Place: London, UK
Description: I took this photograph on a hot summer evening on the riverside of the Thames, when everything looked perfect, people smiled, enjoyed life and seemed so relaxed while the sun was about to wave goodbye.
Links of the author:
© Zita Altrichter, “Eternality”
Author: Monika K. Adler
Title: “Master and Margarita”
Place: New York, USA
Description: Manhattan. Among the crowds, a man is walking with a giant cat sitting on his head. The cat looks down on thousands of tourists and observes the nuances of city life in New York.
Links of the author:
© Monika K. Adler “Master and Margarita”
Author: Pia Sorli
Title: “Mall of Berlin”
Place: Berlin, Germany
Description: Photo taken in Berlin during short get away. We were super hungry so we ran into the shopping mall'S top floor and got some curry.
Links of the author:
© Pia Sorli, “Mall of Berlin”
Author: Florian Nepravishta
Country: Albania
Title: “The magic bubble at the heritage site in Roma”
Description: Children's hands trying to catch bubbles in Via dei Fori Imperiali, Roma
Bio: Florian Nepravishta is an architect and professor at Polytechnic University of Tirana (Albania). His teaching activity and scientific research are oriented toward architectural design, housing, heritage conservation, and urban regeneration. He is photo enthusiast and uses photography to collect inspirations and memories from daily life.
© Florian Nepravishta, “The magic bubble at the heritage site in Roma”
Author: Lucas Fidalgo
Country: Brazil
Title: "Guarda"
Place: Venice, Piazza San Marco
Description: it means a form as brazilians generally say "cop" or a request to protect something or someone safe, but also means "watch (imperative)" in italian. It was taken in Venice, Italy. This photo has three important layers. The farest one is San Marco's Church, a UNESCO patrimony. In the middle, some of the thousands of tourists that visit it every single day. In the first plan, in the shadows, there is a soldier and a couple. The Soldier is practically invisible to the eyes of the tourist, besides the fact that he is heavily armed.
Links of the author:
© Lucas Fidalgo, "Guarda"
Author: Enis Abdullahu
Country: Prishtina Kosovo
Title of Series: “Colors in Daily Life”
Title 1: “The lonely chair”
In the twilight of the evening, the light coming from the window was very eye-catching. But in my focus the main character was the chair.
Title 2: “Complementary”
Like any photographer, I have developed my own passions for color. In this context, it is very strange how by chance the negative word “Don’t" is found exactly where the two complementary colors are located.
Title 3: “Curiosity”
I am always amazed how the gaze of portraits brings a state of tension where the monotony reigns.
Title 4: “Consumption”
During the evening, artificial lighting prevails in the city between warm and cold. And what is noticeable in the social aspect of today's times is the coexistence between drama and pop culture
Title 5: “The flaming of chaos”
The art of street photography always stimulates the imagination. In those moments, the sunset seemed to me as if the chaos of wires inflamed the facade and the clouds legitimized the smoke of the flames.
Title 6: "Abstract"
Construction industries have endlessly adapted tools that can fit into old buildings according to the needs of the residents. And this situation creates abstract compositions in my photography.
Links of the author:
Website, Instagram
Author: Evis Cerga
Country: Albania
Title: “City insider”
Place: Tirana, Albania
Bio: Evis Cerga is a translator, author of short stories book "Friendship Road". Evis uses photography as inspiration for her stories. She is a blogger at
© Evis Cerga, “City insider”
Author: Dorina Pllumbi
Country: Albania, Tirana
Title: "Empty but vigilant"
Place: Kamëz, Albania
Description: In an unfinished and uninhabited house in Kamza, the brick walls are still bare but a vigilant security camera watches passers along the empty property. Shot taken during the Laboratory of Urban Anthropology on 1-4 October 2021 in Kamëz, organized by the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Art Studies (IAKSA) in collaboration with Grupi ATA.
Bio: Dorina is an architect, researcher. As well as an amateur photography explorer
© Dorina Pllumbi, "Empty but vigilant"
Author: Rajesh Dhar
Country: Kolkata, India
Title: “Royal living”
Place: Jaisalmer Fort, India
Description: Jaisalmer Fort is situated in the city of Jaisalmer, in Rajasthan, India. It is believed to be one of the very few ‘living forts’ in the world, as nearly one fourth of the old city's population still resides within the fort. Jaisalmer Fort is the second oldest fort in Rajasthan, built in 1156 AD by the Rajput ruler Jaisal. It is also known as the ‘Sonar Quila’ or Golden Fort. In 2013, Jaisalmer Fort, was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.